pokemarathon (belated) day 1
ok so like we have started doing a marathon of all the mainline pokemon games (out of order) and i just had the awesome idea to start blogging about it on here! :3 so like we started with white and we've already gotten past gym 3 and things are going well!!!!
currently our team is looking like this

it's a bit underleveled, but it's pretty nice so far :> (venipede's name is blacked out cause im not comfortable sharing it btw, i will change it later). i think once it becomes available i wanna replace jfkleo with a solosis, cause reuniclus is awesome, but jfkleo so far has honestly been carrying lol.
gym 1 kinda beat our ass on account of being underleveled and cause we forgot about the gift pansage, but gym 2 and 3 were easy af. thanks jimothy!!!
interestingly, we haven't actually used tepig in a gen 5 playthrough until now. it's still kinda my least favorite of the three, but we wanted to try something new :3. also we have not beaten this game before we have picked it up and procrastinated on playing it several times in the past. this will be a recurring theme in this series -w-.
also venipede was a BITCH to catch and for a really dumb reason!!!!! so like i checked and found out whirlipede was available in the darker grass patches in pinwheel forest so i wanted to go for that for the higher level early on, but ofc there's a guy blocking off that spot. so i check bulbapedia and it says that path'll be available once i beat gym 3, but it was not!!!!!!!! and mind u, the path from there to castellia city is SUPER FUCKING LONG... so then i went BACK to castellia, checked serebii, and it said that i needed to have beaten cobalion, which didn't make sense cause bulbapedia said that wasn't a requirement and the pokemon there are mid level 20 which wouldn't really coincide with having beaten cobalion. so like i checked an ign article on pinwheel forest and it said i needed to get the bike first, which i can only assume is ACTUALLY right cause if not im gonna be really a little bit angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so anyway i went BACK to pinwheel forest, admitted defeat, and just caught a venipede. moral of the story is that wikis are untrustworthy or whatever and also that the bulbapedia and serebii maintainers are DUMB and BAD and I HATE THEM >:( /lh.
i can't say we'll actually be updating this daily, but we will try to update this when there's significant progress!!!!! hope u all look forward to it :3.