pokemarathon part 2
now its parts instead of days
we decided we’re gonna mirror this to both spacehey and our website also as a contingency and so that when our site is awesome we can focus on that instead. the site in question
nimbasa city and the 4th gym
so after beating the 3rd gym, we went to nimbasa city and kicked team plasma's ass (we should probably start taking notes as we play, and also taking more screenshots). from there, we went to route 5 and caught a solosis which we named Dr. Fetus :3. we then beat all the other trainers on route 5 before going back to nimbasa city to permanently replace jfkleo with our new, sillier psychic type. i'll miss u jfkleo...
afterwards, we went east in nimbasa city to kick team plasma's ass again (once again, no images and a poor recollection of what happened), before healing up and and once again challenging the gym while kind of underleveled.
the trainers were all easy, so after clearing out all of them we took on the fourth gym leader, elesa.

source: serebii.net
we're probably gonna keep trying harder to make these posts nicer as times go on, but don't ever expect them to compare to like an actual walkthrough lol.
anyway, despite the level difference (our team was at like level 21-24) we got through elesa well enough. horse cleared the emolgae without much issue, and da vinky almost died to zebstrika's flame charge i think, but still managed to take it out. for beating elesa, we got the bolt badge and tm72 volt switch. (i couldn't find a good picture of the bolt badge online and im too lazy to take one lol)
after that, elesa took us to route 5 where we kicked some more team plasma people's asses (iirc lol) before entering driftveil city.
anyway because i don't want these posts to be too wildly long for our sanity and for the reader's, im gonna stop here. next post should be out later today tho!!!!!