pokemarathon part 3

ok so like we totally did not make this when we said we would but whatever. anyway uhhhh

driftveil city and the 5th gym

i might not have as good a memory of what happened this post but i will try my hardest.

anyway so after crossing the bridge which had birds on it and stuff, we got to driftveil city, which has the funny meme music!!!!!

there, the next gym leader, clay, got mad at us for letting team plasma in, so we went over to the cold storage to kick their asses. after kicking team plasma's asses, we went north to route 6 and caught ourselves a foongus, which we named suspicious. after doing that, we went back to driftveil and swapped out horse for new sussy friend. bye horse, i'll miss u :pensive:...

anyway, with a (low level and kinda useless) grass type in our team, we went to take on the gym. we were very undeleveled, again, but we managed to get through the gym and kick clay in his cowboy ass anyway. i don't remember the specifics, but here's his team.

the team of clay from pokemon black and white, he has a level 29 krokorock, a level 29 palpitoad, and a level 31 excadrill.

[source: serebii.net]

after beating clay, we went north to chargestone cave, which he then allowed us access to.

anyway that's gonna be it for this post. kinda short and kinda late, im sowwy :(. here's our team after all that, and we will see u tomorrow or later today or whenever lol!!!!!!! :3

a pokemon white team screen, from left to right there is a level 24 foongus named "suspicious", a level 27 pignite named "jimothy", a level 28 palpitoad named "plague", a level 27 drillbur named "da vinky?!", a level 26 solosis named "dr. fetus", and a level 26 whirlipede named "bug :3"